Athletic Training

I I l' i xx AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION every event I am assuming that the athlete will have from eight to ten weeks in which to train. For instance, if the athlete be a schoolboy he , will find it possible to prepare for any given event in this time. Severe training for a longer time than this is likely to result in failure. No person should train severely .for a longer period than this. It will frequently happen that an athlete desires to keep in training for various meets during the greater part of a year. While I should strongly cau– tion him to be careful not to overdo it, he will find that after he has once gotten into good physical condition he will be able to · enjoy periods of rest from training and com– petition, and then be able to get himself back into good physical condition.. in half the time usually required. The average boy likes to be athletic. He wants to have a strong, well-developed body, and to excel in some particular sport, whether it be baseball, football, or track athletics. But on account of the great interest in ath– letics throughout this country, and the wide publicity which is given to all kinds of ath– letic performances, there is always the dan-