Athletic Training
RELAY RACING 147 the intermediate runners ran himself off his feet in the first part of his race and then lost so much distance in the last 100 yards that his team was hopelessly beaten. This advice about the arrangement of runners applies also to the 2 and 4 mile relays, though not with as much force as for the I-mile event. All relay runners should take particular care to master the art of touching off or of passing the baton, whichever is used. For the purpose of transferring the baton a 20- foot zone is marked off in front of the start– ing line, and the transfer may be made at any point within this zone. Under no circum– stances is the runner allowed to run back to meet his team-mate; but he should be in motion forward when his team-mate finishes so that he will lose no tim~ in getting away. All the rules of track racing which I have already mentioned apply to the relay. A good start is worth everything, particularly in a mile relay. To get the pole means a great deal, but the runner should not risk having his team disqualified by committing a foul at the start. At the same time, he should be wide-awake and not permit him-
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