Athletic Training

XX:Vl INTRODUCTION sportsmanlike conduct that will be carried later into business, professional, and political life. His responsibilities are great and his personality should be above reproach, and the parents and educationalists should keep this in mind when they select those in whose care their boys are placed. The national conscience is but the sum of that of its citizens, and from the value of ath– letics to a nation it is but a step to their international importance. The place of the great Greek athletic festivals in promoting peace throughout the ancient world has been the text on which the modern Olympic idea has been preached, and in their short history organized track and field athletics have been introduced and have become general in lands which have until recently treated them with absolute neglect and contempt. Each Olym~ piad shows a better understanding of the principles of sportsmanship by more nations, and the pioneer work of Baron de Coubertin and his associates on the Olympic Committee is increasingly evident in the more intelligent interest in sport all over the world. We are fortunate in having the technic