Athletic Training

152 ATHLETIC TRAINING examination showed that the heart had ex– panded three-eighths of an inch. Next we took a student who had had no athletic train– ing, and we walked him half a mile j n 6 minutes, hardly half the speed of his prede– cessor. His heart was similarly examined, and at the conclusion of his half-mile walk we found that his heart had expanded 1 t inches · -more than double the expansion noticed in the heart of the trained athlete. We per– formed a similar experiment with a trained mile runner who ran a mile in five minutes and an untrained student who ran half a mile in three minutes. The results were virtually the same. Next we took a short-distance man who had been in training for two seasons. A fast run of 150 yards hardly affected his heart at all, while a run of the same distance at no more than three-fourths of this speed com– pletely exhausted a man who had done no athletic training. During our investigations"' we noted the effects upon the men who were addicted to the use of cigarettes, and we found that the effects of brief but vigorous exercise upon the untrained athlete who smoked, and .