Athletic Training
164 ATHLETIG TRAINING pulled tendon is avoidable. Usually it is the penalty which an athlete pays 0 for entering_a race either without proper training or too early in the season. The man who attempts to race during the cold or damp weather, or who sits down on the ground before a race, is usually the one who has to pay the penalty of a breakdown. Nine-tenths of such injuries are the result of the carelessness I have referred to. It frequently happens that the athlete re– ceives warning of the impending breakdown by a severe pain in these muscles, as though they were being unduly stretched. He should heed this warning immediately. Supporting the muscles with adhesive tape, supplemented by a rest, will frequently bring the leg around all right in a few days. Applications of hot water before retiring are very good for this pain. It is best for the athlete to sit in a tub of water as hot as he can endure for a few . minutes at night, which will probably greatly reduce the pain.
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