Athletic Training
6 ATHLETIC TRAINING ably chilled he will do well to use warmer water. A few experiments will show him what temperature is best. A __cold bath is well in cold weather, but in the summer it should be taken a little warmer or its after effects will be heating instead of cooling. One should be careful not to remain under a shower or in a tub too long. Two minutes under a shower is long enough for any one, and less time is better. One should never lie too long in a bathtub of warm water unless the temperature of the room is right, for there is nothing more weakening to the system. The bath should be·- followed by a vigorous rub-down. Many persons have the idea that they cannot rub themselves, but this is a mistake, for one can really do this better than · another can do it for him. After the body has been dried thoroughly the massage should begin with the feet, and every part of the body should be vigorously rubbed, at least five minutes being taken for the operation. The massage movement is very simple and con– sists merely of rubbing the hands vigorously over the skin with a circular motion. The
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