Athletic Training

PHYSICAL CONDITION 7 back can be rubbed as well as the legs and arms by using a rough towel and drawing it back and forth vigorously. This sort of a rub– down will be a splendid tonic for the skin, and at its conclusion the body will glow from the blood flowing to every part as nature intended it should. After this performance the physical condi– tion will be greatly benefited by a few min– utes spent in deep-breathing exercises. The breath should be inhaled slowly until the lungs are completely. filled. Then the breath should be released in the same gradual man– ner. This may be repeated for two or three minutes, after whic;h it may be followed to advantage by some simple calisthenic exer- .cises for the arms, the back, and the abdo– men. These exercises are invaluable, but to get their fullest advantage they should be taken in a room thoroughly aired or near an open window. All the exercises I have explained, includ– ing the bath, rub-down, deep breathing, and simple calisthenics, can be finished without hurrying in fifteen minutes. If they are started early enough in life and pursued per-