Athletic Training
10 ATHLETIC TRAINING calisthenic work suggested will accomplish wonderful results. In the chapter on diet I have explained the need of caring for the teeth. One more essential to bodily health is plenty of sleep. I have seen a great many races lost through failure to observe the rule that every person needs at least eight hours' sleep. Some need more, particularly growing boys. If a person finds that he needs eight or nine hours of sleep to maintain good phys– ical condition he should insist upon getting it. Violation of this law of common sense, through lopping off one or two hours several nights a week which should be devoted to sleep, will bring about its own punishment. Sleep is the great restorer of strength and the tonic for nerves, and the body should be given all it requires. Before a boy begins his athletic career he must provide himself with the necessary ath– letic outfit. The candidate for track and field honors should have a uniform composed of a sleeveless or quarter-sleeved jersey and a pair of running trousers. An ordinary sus– pensory and a pair of running shoes complete
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