Athletic Training
PHYSICAL CONDITION 11 the outfit. The kind of shoes worn will de– pend upon the event for which the boy is training. For all the runs, from the short sprints to the two miles, the athlete should wear a shoe with six spikes in the sole, none in the heel. Spiked shoes are not absolutely essential for one who is taking up athletics purely for rec– reation, but if he wishes to make record time or is competing against other athletes so equipped he should have the spiked shoes. For cross-country running, road work, and Marathon running he should have a shoe with shorter spikes in the sole and a low heel. The heel may ·or may not have short spikes. The jumper and hurdler uses a shoe the sole of which is slightly stiffened, in ad– dition to which there are two spikes in the heel. If the athlete trains in cool weather he will find it best to have, in addition to the outfit I have explained, a long-sleeved jersey or sweater with a neck which can be used to protect the face and to keep him from breath– ing air too cold. He should also wear a pair of long drawers to protect the legs. He can
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