Athletic Training

DIET 17 in nine cases out of ten, is due to a greedy appetite, eating too fast, or partaking of foods and drinks not suitable to the stomach. In my athletic days a man never thought of drinking ice-water with his meals or con– cluding them with ice-cream. My experience is that ice-water taken freely with the meals is responsible for more indigestion than any other combination of causes. Water may be cooled a little, but it ought not to be taken ice– cold, especially with meals. I have always advised ·the drinking of as little water as pos– sible during meals, for the reason that it impedes digestion. Another cause of bad stomachs among ath– letes is the tendency to mix various fruits such as oranges and grapefruit with cereal covered with sugar and flooded with 1cream at breakfast. This combination is enough to sour the strongest stomach and ought to be avoided. I wish to emphasize the fact that these rules of dieting are not hard-and-fast regula– tions. Every person should study his own physical condition and govern what he eats and drinks accordingly. I recall two men