Athletic Training

DIET 19 The more attention paid to such matters, the better athlete one will be, and the better man he will develop into. In the article .on diet I made particular mention of the care of the stomach. The stomach is affected by the condition of other parts of the body, and particularly by the teeth. Every boy and young man should have his teeth examined by a competent den– tist, and if there is anything the matter with them they should be attended to promptly. Next, the athlete should make it a point to care for them properly and with regularity. It will be found that good teeth will contrib– ute much toward a good stomach, and a good stomach is one of the essentials to success in athletics. Too much importance cannot be laid upon proper bathing. The body should always be kept clean and the skin in a healthy condition. After taking athletic exercise, the athlete should have a shower-bath if possi– ble. If this is not possible, the body should be thoroughly cleansed with a sponge. Not many boys or young men, unless they are connected with the larger schools and colleges or some of the best clubs, will have the facili-