Athletics (British Sports Library)
148 ATHLETICS the shoulders and that the point of the javelin has not been allowed to tilt upwards. The commencement of the carrying off of the left foot to the position L3 (Sketch B) brings the athlete into the proper throwing position, shown in Sketch D. Just before the left foot comes firmly down on to the inner side of the sole at L3, to form a firm point of resistance, the throw commences. It should be noted that the foot position, L3, is about 3 feet 6 inches behind the scratch line and at an angle of about 20 degrees to the line of approach. The right foot must be placed hard down in the third throwing step, R2, and likewise the left at L3, since it is necessary to have perfect foothold if one is to get strength into the throw, which must be supported from below by the legs, body, and ·shoulders.
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