Athletics (British Sports Library)
150 ATHLETICS left foot is placed forcibly upon the ground (Sketch E), the legs and back are equally forcibly extended upwards and forwards with the best speed the athlete can encompass. The arm effects the throw at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, and the body and shoulder are pressed well up and after the arm. Care must be taken to straighten up the left leg and to throw the weight of the body well on to it; none the less, the body must not be drawn to the left during the throw, but must move forwards and upwards under the javelin (see Sketch F). Directly the arm has finished its forward pull and the shoulder has reached its maximum forward position, the fingers loosen their grip (Sketch F), opening out so that the palm of the hand lifts the javelin and is pointed in the direction of the throw. During the backward movement, forward pull, and flight the javelin must all. the while keep a perfectly straight-ahead course (Sketches c, D, and E). The novice will find in himself a strong tendency both to carry the hand out from· the shouder, so that the point of the javelin is directed to the riglft, and to lower the extended arm below the proper shoulder plane, but the javelin must follow its proper path both forwards and upwards, which it cannot do if the point is deflected either to the side 'or too much upwards. It is equally necessary
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