Athletics (British Sports Library)
JAVELIN THROWING 151 that the body weight should go into the throw, by pressing the right shoulder quickly and forcibly upwards and forwards after the javelin, otherwise the leg drive will be lost. This drive should continue in a straight line forward and upward. If no instructor is available, two men should work together to perfect their form at this event. The faults for which the coach should watch are as follows: Point of the javelin tilted up too much during the run, or suddenly taking that position during the throw. Lack of running speed or sudden check before the throw is made. Arm drawn back with a jerk or not fully extended. Arm falls below the proper shoulder plane. Arm reaches full extension too soon, and there is a con– sequent break in the rhythm of arm movement before the throw begins. Javelin is directed to the right, and the throw is not made over the shoulder. Body breaks away to the left from the throwing arm. Watch for these faults from behind. The arm is not bent back over the shoulder before the left foot takes the ground. The foothold is insecure or the reverse of the feet takes place too early. The backward bend of the body causes the athlete to place his feet so far apart that he finds
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