Athletics (British Sports Library)
152 ATHLETICS it impossible to raise his body up to its full height upon the stiffened left leg (Sketch F) during the throw. Watch for these faults from a position to the right of the athlete. N ote.-Immediately the hand releases its hold of the javelin the right foot should be drawn forward, G landing at R3 (Sketch B) to take the thrower's weight and restore his balance (see Sketch G). The javelin thrower's training should combine a certain amount of so-yard sprinting with a good deal of walking and some distance jog- trot runs to build up stamina. His muscles should be strong and quickly responsive, and his joints should be loose. Strength he must have, but he must never sacrifice his speed of muscle movement and suppleness to the building up of big muscles. Quality rather than quantity is to be desjred in this respect. His actual work with the javelin should comprise some correct running throws without much force and constant practice of the correct hand-hold. Practise the position of the throw, the attitude and movements of the body, and the forward carriage
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