Athletics (British Sports Library)

JAVELIN THROWING 153 of the javelin as ifit were a drill by numbers. Get the coach, or a fellow-athlete, to stand behind you while you make some light throws, telling him to watch the javelin all the time so that he can be sure that it follows its proper path and that you yourself effect the throw directly over the shoulder. The hand should pass quite close to the head. Practise the eight steps which will bring the left foot to L2 (Sk~tches Band c), the stage just before the throwing position is taken up, and in doing so practise also the smooth drawing back of the throwing arm. Try for the high step-over action shown in Sketch c, which carries the right foot to R2, 18 inches to the left of direction line (see Sketch B). Until the style is properly worked in, practise light throws only, with an eight-stride approach. Longer throws may be gradually built up as the speed and power increases, as it will do almost imperceptibly. Exercises for loosening and strength– ening the shoulders should be used, and work with the punching-ball will help to add speed to one's delivery. When one has mastered the proper technique of the throw, then tb,e attention may be concentrated upon acquiring length of javelin flight. With the exception of one day's rest, training may be continued all the week, but not more than