Athletics (British Sports Library)

DISCUS THROWING 165 rately, begin to knit the two movements together, but do not try for immediate results, or you will get a horrible shock, for you wm probably find that you cannot throw as far with the turn as you have formerly done without it. This is because the speed of the turn will temporarily destroy the throwing control until the two movements have been knitted together. One day it is well to practise a fast turn with the discus in hand, so that you arrive at the position R2-,..L3, but without throwing; another day practise a· slow turn and a hard throw, interspersing the training with plenty of standing throws and turns with the discus in hand, but without throwing it. You must do this to adjust your body angle to bear the weight of the discus while turning. As soon as a certain degree of dual proficiency has been acquired, commence turning slowly and throwing lightly. Increase the pace as the days go by, until you can practise fast turns and slow throws, or slow turns and hard throws with equal facility. Do this on four days out of the seven, rest one day and upon one other try fast turning and forcible throwing to try out your improving capabilities, but directly there is any falling off in form or distance revert to the slow work. Do plenty of standing throwing, plenty of walking and some distance running . to build up strength, and some sprinting to make you