Athletics (British Sports Library)

176 ATHLETICS Shot putters should do a good deal of walking and some distance running, especially across country, since that form of exercise helps them to put on weight, to build up strength and stamina. They should, also, do some sprinting and standing high and long jumping to make them nippy. They can, in addition, do body and muscle-building exercises, such as those designed by Monte Saldo in his Maxalding course for strength ; and a great deal of it they must have, as well as snap, and I know nothing better to generate both than the Maxalding exercises. Shot putters need watching, and, failing the services of an expert instructor, should train with another man in their own department of athletics: Training should always take place upon firm ground, and a 7-foot circle properly equipped with a firmly fixed stop-board should always be used. Faults to watch for are : Stiffness in the initial position and lack of proper knee bend and body twist. . Too long a glide or too high a jump in making the glide. Hand holding the shot allowed to come out from its position close to the shoulder, elbow dropping below a point directly in rear of the shot. Simultaneous landing of the feet instead of the proper one-two, right-left landing. Failure to get the hip up and shoulders square to the front before the put is made. Right hand, which holds the shot,