Athletics (British Sports Library)
196 ATHLETICS down on the 17-yard mark, some adjustment is necessary. This is done by moving back the " 27 " as much as the foot fell short of the " 17 " ; or, alternatively, moving the " 27 " as much forward towards the pit as the foot overstepped the " 17." This fixes the space between the two first marks ; but it may now well happen that the distance between the 7-yard mark and the board will need adjustment. This is done as already described. But it must not be forgotten that the 27-17 bracket is already fixed ; therefore, however much it is necessary to move the 7-yard mark nearer to or away from the board, so, correspondingly, must the " 17 " and " 27 " both be moved nearer to or farther away from the take-off board. Do not forget that it will in all probability be necessary to shift the marks as the training pro– gresses. There are other factors also to be con– sidered. A soft approach path necessitates the shortening of the run. On a hard surface it must be lengthened. If the wind is behind· you lengthen the run, if it is blowing in your face shorten the run ; but increase the run more when the wind is at your back than you would shorten it if the wind was in your face. / Practise the run until it is mechanically perfect and you can do without the guidance marks altogether.
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