Athletics (British Sports Library)
THE POLE ·VAULT 215 be bound with adhesive medical strapping, but may have no· further hand support. · Private .poles may not be used by other competitors, except with the consent of the owner. In other respects the rules for high .jumping are applicable. There is no branch of athletics in which . the technique has so greatly improved- during recent years and no branch which demands suc.h great all~round training and complete bodily strength, combin~d with courage . and the ability to think quickly. and clearly. Strength, speed, and the :most perfect mechanical form . are .the main factors . of success, and any deviation from the accepted style, or failure. to. nt- the movements each smoothly into the next, will spell non-success. The run-up is formed with:three ma.r~s in exactly the same m~nner: as has already been described for long .jumpers, except that the. point at which the foot .<is . stamped down for the take-off must be determined by the athlete for himself, since this is governed by his.own height and the height at which he is jumping. · ·The take-off spot may, however; be ascertained approximately by placing the foot from which the spring is made level with the ·slide.;. way, or ·hole; and ;pacing back an .even number of strides. to the point from which the approach run is to commence. The take-off foot should then fall
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