Athletics (British Sports Library)
British Sports Library EDITED BY CAPTAIN F. A. M. WEBSTER, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S. Cr. 8vo. VoL. VoL. VoL. VoL. I. I I. III. IV. Illustrated. Cloth, 6s. net each. RUGBY FOOTBALL. By D. R. GENT. HOCKEY. By s. H. SHOVELLER. FLYING. By MAJOR W. T. BLAKE. ATHLETICS. By F. A. M. WEBSTER. Other Volumes will follow. THE object of the British Sports Library is to provide text-books at a moderate price which will aid the proficient competitor or player of games in practically every branch of sport, and which will, moreover, set the feet of t4e bPginner on the right road to success. Each book will be the work of an expert, well qualified to write authoritatively. Mr. D. R. Gent is the former English International half-back and Gloucestershire captain. He first . played for England against the famous "All Blacks" in I905, whilst his last game but one was against Wales at Twickenham in 1910, when England recorded her first victory over \Vales for twelve years. Mr. S. H. Shoveller is one of the greatest, if not actually the greatest, hockey player Great Britain has eve-r produced. He first played for Eqgland against Wales in March 1902, and from that time until his retirement he was invited to play for Eng– land in every international match . He played against Ir.eland II times, Wales 7, Scotland 4, France 5, Germany once, and Belgium once. He also represented Great Britain at the Olympic Games in 1908, 1912, and' 1920. Major W. T. Blake made his first ascent in 1908, has been a pilot since 19II, and has flown about thirty types of aero– planes, as well as seaplanes and airships. He has flown over the greater part of Europe, VVestern Asia, ·and North Africa, and was the leader of the first attempt to fly round the world in 1922, the attempt ending in Calcutta with an operation for appendicitis. Captain F. A. M. Webster's qualifications to write on athletics are indisputable. He was English A.F.E.A. Javelin Thro-wing Champion in I9II, English National Champion in 1923. He was Midland Counties Javelin Throwing Champion in 1920 and 1921. Midland Counties Discus Throwing Cham– pion in 1922, a nd runner-up in the English National Discus Throwing Championship in 1923. He . has toured practically the whole world for the purpose of studying the technique of athletics, and has written numerous standard works upon the various phases of the sport as well as a history of the evolution of the Olympic Games. LONDON: GEORGE ALJ;.,EN & UNWIN LTD. RUSKIN HOUSE, 40 UiVI STREET, W.C. I
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