Athletics (British Sports Library)
·. SPRINTING 47 lengthened out to 440 or 500 yards at a half-speed of 10 miles an hour, which postulates 1-i minutes for a quarter of a mile. This sort of exercise will improve the breathing apparatus and streng then the body to a wonderful degree ; it will also enable the sprinter to maintain his pace and accomplish a powerful finish in a hundred-yard sprint. Generally speaking, it is no bad thing to train at 120 yards if a lOO yards race is in prospect. Here the stop-~atch comes very prominently into use. The boy who can run lOO yards in ll seconds should cover 50 yards in 6 seconds, 75 yards in 8-i seconds, and 120 yards in just a fraction short of 13 seconds. The 10!--second "wonder" should cover 50 yards i"Q 5-!- seconds, 75 yards in 8 1 .1. 6 seconds and 120 yards in 12 1 J. 0 seconds. As regards a general training schedule for boys, presumed to be already physically fit by reason of the games they play, we have only a month at our disposal, it is assumed, and therefore we are going to train for five days out of the seven. That is to say, we shall leave Friday and Sunday in each week free, and in the fourth week we shall finish up our training on the Tuesday, if the sports are to be held on the ensuing Saturday. FIRST WEEK.-On Monday the training should commence with limbering up and starting practice, both of which are to be features of every day's
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