Athletics (British Sports Library)
SPRINTING 49 time trial against the watch, stride through 150 yards easily. Tuesday : 30 yards half speed once, 30 yards three-quarter speed three times, 120 yards three-quarter speed. Wednesday : 30 yards half speed twice, 30 yards full speed twice, stride through 440 yards in li minutes. Thursday: 25 yards half speed twice, 30 yards full speed four times, 150 yards half speed. Saturday : 25 yards half speed twice, l 00 yards final trial. FoURTH WEEXC-Monday: 25 yards half speed twice, 30 yards three-quarter speed twice, 120 yards full speed once. T~tesday: 25 yards half speed three times, 50 yards three-quarter speed twice, lOO yards, fast out of the holes, easing off to three– quarter speed after 25 yards for 50 yards, and finishing full speed final 25 yards. The sprinter should now be fit enough to enjoy rest on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This rest, without in any way impairing his form, will allow him sufficient time to recuperate his nerve forces after the training and in preparation for the actual competition on the following Saturday. We now come to the consideration of the actual method of starting. In this connection the -first thing we have to study is the runner's position and the method of preparing the holes for the reception of his feet. The " crouch " start is now so generally accepted 4
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