Athletics (British Sports Library)
HURDLING 77 of the other foot. This is an excellent balance exercise, which also inculcates high knee action and the proper forward body lean. Instructors and coaches should always see that athletes, in addition to limbering up by a few dashes over two or three hurdles, should, before attempting even these, do one or two stretching exercises before turning out for either practice or competition. The second month's training is suggested mainly for the use .of schoolboys and young university athletes who have acquired suppleness and staying power in the preli,minary month's work just dealt with. It is to be taken as read that each day's work commences with stretching exercises and a certain amount of starting practice as laid down for sprinters. On the first Monday of the second month two dashes over three hurdles at half speed will be sufficient if followed by a three-quarter-speed dash over eight hurdles and a steady jog of lOO yards. Tuesday : 300 yards run at half speed. Wednesday : Three hurdles at half speed three times, five hurdles at three-quarter speed twice, followed by a fairly fast 200 yards. Thursday: !50 yards on the flat at three-quarter speed. Saturday: Two sharp dashes over three hurdles and 120 yards over the full ten flights at a fairly easy pace. The second week's work is the same as the first,
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