Athletics (British Sports Library)

THE QUARTER MILE 93 and found an extra burst of electrifying speed to carry him over the finall20 yards. The difference between sprint quarter-milers and the staying brigade can be most easily detected in the method of running the race. f'erjecr}.;: Mile 3peed .Str ide Acr,~ -;\:' MILE Ani\ acllol\ i~ t"roi"'"'l ( xce.llu-.r fi"tshu-.g for~ FiM jog Odlo" m IOLs po<ir.o" Porriculorl'f fir-.(. l<-~ Acr.or-. Ske.kl\ I. When the race is run on an unstringed course, the true sprinter type will make for the shortest path between two given points by relying upon his quick-starting ability to carry him to the best position on the inside of the track ; this initial dash should carry him at top pace over the first 80 yards into premier position. From that point he may ease into three-quarter speed striding (see Sketches l and 2), but it is up to him to maintain his lead at all costs until either he sees that another runner is about to pass him, or the time has come for him to make his last great dash for the tape-