Athletics and Football (extract)

JUMPING, WEIGHT-PUTTINGE,TC. 151 In 1878 the Universities turned out simultaneouslya pair of fine jumpers, C. W. M. Kemp, of Oxford,one of a verywell- knownathletic family,and E. Baddeley,of Cambridge. At the Oxfordand Cambridgemeeting, Kemp, who wasa light-weight, wiry, and of more than medium height, beat Baddeley by a few inches,winningwith22ft. 2| in. Kemp was,wethink, not quite so good, but more certain than his opponent, and alwaysjumped Long jump. with great coolness and judgment, never failingwhenfit to get a good jerk in mid-airand fling his legs wellout in front of him. At the championship meeting, in the same year, Baddeley turned the tables on his opponent, winning with the fine jump of 22 ft. 8 in. on perfectlylevel ground. Baddeleywasa very tall, heavy man, weighing over 13 stone, stronglyand loosely built, and was also the hammer-throwingchampion in1878 and 1882. He occasionallymade a poor show at long jumping, through fail-