Athletics and Football (extract)

TRAINING 173 enough, and, i fact, cannoetat toomuch whiennactive exer­ cise withofuintding it out; that thsaeme rualpeplies drtionk,' and thaift aman uisnable ketoep himself from taking solids and liquidwshich he doensot require he will never be of any account as an athlete. The absurdity of the old system is shown from the fact that it was the frequent custom of the 'owners' of professional pugilists and pedestrians to put a watchman in attendance to see that their particular ' pet' in training did not sneak surreptitiously into public-houses or carry little bottles liqouf id abowuitth him in his pocket. So muchmust be saidas tothe quantitoyf liquor. In the meantime there aorteher vexed questions as to the drink of the athlete. Until quite recently a man who trained upon teetotal principles was considered a rara avis, and the old English trainers believed in English beer as much as they believed in English beef and mutton. Of recent years, however, not only havtemperance principles been wideplyreached, but the largenrumber of the oarsmen and athletes from America and Canadhaave adopted the system of training upon water alone, and taking no alcohol in any shape during training. From the viewwse have expresseadbove it will be seen that we are not likely to take one side or the other with great ardour, weas believethat there should be noviolent change in the manner of living when a young and healthy man goes into training. We must confess, however, to have a strong leaning towards the Transatlantic or teetotal method t aining. Whether alcohol be good or not weleave doctors to decide, but of all people in the world the athlete who is not over­ trained least requires its stimulus. We believe doctors still differ upon the question as to whetherit is nutritious to any degree, but all agree that it is very hard to digest, and this, alone should be a strong argument against its use. Of one thing fweel confident,hat aifman drinks waterhis meals as anatural habit he wilbl e veryunwise to leaveit off forbeer or claret. If, howeverh, e is accustomed to drink beer owrine, it is a hard thing to say that the athlete should give eitheurp