Athletics and Football (extract)

ATHLETICS intention of makingcompetitors run with their left hand to the inside of the track, the contrary being the practice at all other running grounds. Of recent years, we believe, the Cambridge runners have accommodatedthemselves to the general system, and run the other way round the ground, so that any times made by Cantabs running up-hill can scarcely be disregarded. Another well-known track, which has been remarkable for several fast times—that of the Aston Lower Grounds at Bir­ mingham—is open to the same objection as Fenner's, on the ground of levels. In the Aston ground there is a drop of over 6 feet in the 300 yards course, and rather more, we think, in the quarter-mile course, the part between the finish and the beginning of the quarter being a stiff up-hill. As a result, the Records Committee of the A.A.A. has declined to take any notice of any performancedone over less than a lap of a track whichis not properlylevelled; but it accepts performanceswhere competitors have covered more than the full lap, and so run both up-hill and down-hill. Even this, however,can hardly be considered strictlyfair, as experience shows that more time is gained running down a long and steady decline than is lost by coming up a short stiff incline. The Aston records can hardly, therefore, be considered satisfactory under any circum­ stances. In considering the famous running grounds upon which so many cracks have toiled and ' spun,' we have rather wandered fromour main subject, that of athletic meetings. All the classical events of the year are held over regular running paths, but for an immense number ofcountry and provincialgatherings there is no cinder track at hand. The committee arranging for the sports have therefore to procure the best field obtainable, which is usually the local cricket ground, and this has to be staked out withflags and ropes, so as to obtain as long a lap and as good turf as is possible. We are byno means so certain that where a well-shaped lap of reallygood dry level turf is ob­ tained there is much differencein point ofspeed betweencinders and turf; but it is very difficult indeed to get a piece of turf