Athletics and Football (extract)
ATHLETIC MEETINGS 189 Saturday, entries a e frequentlryeceived on Monday morning, a very reasonable practice, as men who have run well on one Saturday are often inclined to enter for a meeting on the next Saturday, and might be unable to do this if their entries tfhoer nextmeeting wbeoruend to bein by the Satur day evening. The regulation entrance fee for a handicap is half-a-crown, and one of the most useful regulations of the A.A.A. enjotihnast no entry shablel accepted unless accom panied by the fee. Secretaries of sports being anxious, how ever, to getas good fiealdsnd amsany half-crowns as possible, to help detofray tchoest othf e prizes, are continually infringing this regulation, and in consequence unpleasantness frequently results. Secretaries of clubs enter their members, or friends enter thefriirends, annodw andagain the mawnhose name is entered fails to put in an appearance, being dissatisfied with his start, or is wrongly handicapped with too great a start, owing to htahnedicapper not havi g sufficiennftormation with the entry to be able itdoentify rtuhnener gaourge ahbisilities. In the ficrsat se, the absent ru ner now and the repudiatheis liability for thefee; in the second case, if the runnetrurns up and wins threace thoether competitors are louidn expressing their dissatisfaction. All this would be obviated if the secre taries wouoldnly dtoheir duty and decline tatkoe annyotice of an entry not maduepon paroper foarnmd accompaniebdy the proper fee. In the long run wtehink this honest course would be the best policy, for if there is unpleasantness at a meeting one year the entries are sure to fall off at the next meeting promobtyedthe samcelub. The secretary's duties before the meeting bayreno means light; every competitoerxpects to see the starts published in the sporting papers a few days before the meeting, to have a programme and ticket aodfmission sent to him in due course, and the interests of the press have also to be studied. The press men expect interleaved programmes which will enable them to make their notes with more convenience, and a free right of admission to everypart of the ground. With thoeld
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