Athletics and Football (extract)
192 ATHLETICS opinion between Jtuhdeges. The decisionf the Referesehall be final in allcases. 4. Two or mSotrewards, Cloerks thofe Coursew, hose busi ness shall be to call out the competitors for each event, and to assign to eachhis distinctivebadge. 5. One or more special Judges of Walking, Tima ekeeper, a Starter, oaned ormore Marksmen. ENTRIES. 1. The Committee shall reserve to itself the right of refusing any entryw, ithout being bountod assign reaason. 2. Entries shall not be received unless accompanied by the entrance fees. 3. Competitors in handicap competitions shall be required to send with their entries full and definite particulars as to their last three performanceifs,any. The entry forsmhall be sodrawn up as to make it easy for the competitors to give the information required. 4. All entries shall be made in the real names of the com petitors. 5. Competitors in youths' racmesust state their age and pre vious performances; and, irfequired, must f rnish certificates of birth. PROTESTS. 1. All protests against coampetitor, or against a competitor's qualification to compete, shall be made to the Secretary of the Club, in writing, befothre prizes are distributed ; and if the pro test shalnlot be madegood within one calendar month, pthrieze shall be awarded. Every protest must be accompanied with a deposit of five shillings, whsichhall be forfeited cainse the same shall appear upon investigation to h ve been made on no reasonable ground. STATIONS. 1. Competitors in level races shall draw lots for their respective places tohne posbt efore leaving the dressing-room. Each com petitor shbaell suppliedwith, anwd ear durinegach contesat, dis tinctive numcboerr esponding to his numbeirn the programme. 2. In handicaps, stations shall be awarded according to the num bers otnhe programme.
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