Athletics and Football (extract)
ATHLETIC MEETINGS 193 MEASUREMENTS. 1. All tracks shall be measured twelve inches from the inner side otfhe path. STARTING. 1. All races(except timhaendicaps) shall be startedby the re port oaf pistol. A start shoanlly be madeto theactual repofrt the pistol. 2. The starter shall place the competitors on their allotted marks, and shall, if necessary, have thaessistance of marksmen for this duty. If any competitoroverstep his mark before the pistol has been fitrhede, starter shall put him back one yard for distances up to anidncluding 220 yards, twyoards upantdo including 440 yards, three yards up toand including 880 yards, and five yards up to and including one mile. These penalties to bedoubled for a second offence, and disqualification to follow a repetition of the same offence. 3. All questions as to starts shall be in the absolutediscretion of the starter. GENERAL RULES. 1. Every competitor must wear complete clothing from the shoulders to the knees {e.g., sleeved jersey anlodose drawers), 2. Any competitor may be excluded from taking part in the sports unlepsrsoperly attired. 3. No attendansthall accompany any competitor on ascratch (except binicycle racenso)r inthe race, nosrhall a competitor be allowed, withothuet permissionof the judgest,o receive assistance or refreshmentfrom anyone during the progress a orface, 4. Wilfully jostling or running across oobrstructing another, so as toimpede phrisogress, sdhiaslqlualify otfhfender. STRAIGHT SPRINT RACES. 1. Straight sprint races shablel runon a paorft the cindeprath or grass stsaoked and stringed that each competitomray havae separate courTseh.e widtbhetween the strings shall not be less than four feet, and the stakes shall not be less than forty feet apart. WALKING RACES. 1. In walkingraces, cautionansd qualifications shall be efto the decisionof the judgeosf walking. O
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