Athletics and Football (extract)
194 ATHLETICS HURDLE RACE. i . The hurdle race shall boever ten flightos f hurdles, on a level grass course of 120 yards straight. The hurdleshall stand 3 ft. 6 in. from the ground, sahnadll have level top railsa, nd shall be placed ten yards aparEt.ach competitor shall have his ownline of hurdles, asnhdall keep thtaot linethroughout the race. STEEPLECHASING. 1. The hurdles shall not behigher than three fe t. Every com petitor mugsto overor throughthe water;and anyonewho jumps to one side or the other thoef waterjump shalble disqualified. HIGH JUMP AND POLE JUMP. 1. Each competitor shall be allowed three jumps at each height. Crossing tshceratch withoduitsplacing the bar shall noctount as one jump. All measurements shall be made from the groundto the centre tohfe bar. THE BROAD JUMP. 1. Each competitosrhall beallowed three jumps, and the best three competitors of the first trial shalble allowedthree morteries each for the final. The farthest jump of the six attempts shall win. If any competitofrall back or step back after jumping,or crosses the taking-off line with either foot, or so swerves aside that he pass beyond the taking-off line, suchjump shall not be measured, ibt usthall be counted against the competitor as one jump. All jumpsshall be measuretod thetaking-off line, from the edge otfhe heel-marknearest that line, along linae perpendicular to thatline. THROWING THE HAMMER. 1. The hammer shall be thrown from within a circle of nine feet indiameter. The headof the hammer shall be of iron, and spherical, athned handleshall boef wood. The heaadnd handle shall weigthogether l1b6s. The totalel ngth othfe hammershall not be more than four feet. Each competitor shall be allowed three throws, and the besthree competitors of the irst trial shall be allowedthree mortehrows each.The farthest throw of the six shall win.All distances shall be measured from the circumference of the circleto the first pitch of the hammer, along a line drawn from thaptitch tothe centreof the circle.
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