Athletics and Football (extract)

ATHLETIC MEETINGS 195 PUTTING THE WEIGHT. 1. The weight shall be put from the shoulder with one hand only, anwd ithout follow, from a 7ft. square. The weight shall be of iron, ansdpherical, sahnadll weigh 16 lbs. All puts shalble measured perpendicularly from the firspt itch otfhe weightto the front linoef the square, or to that lpinroeduced. 2. In throwing the hammer and putting the weight, crossing the scratchshall couanst atry. THROWING THE CRICKET BALL. In throwingthe cricket ball the distance throshwanll be cal­ culated from the centre aof scratch line ; antdhe thrower, in de­ livering the ball, shall not cross such scratch line. Three tries only shablle alloweda, nd crossingthe scratch shcaolul nt as one try. TUG OF WAR. The teams shall consist of eqnuualmbers of competitors. The rope shall boef sufficient length to allow for a ' pull 5 of twelve feet, and twfoerlve feseltack at each end, togethewr ith four feet for each competitor ; it shall not be lessthan four inches in circum­ ference, and shall be without knots or other holdings for t e hands. A centre tsahpaell baeffixed to the centre of the rope, and six feet oneach side of the centretape two stiadpees shall be affixed to therope. A centreline shalble markedon the ground, and six feet oneither side of the centrleine twsoide lines parallel thereto. At the start the rope shall be taut, and thecentre tape shall be over the centreline, antdhe competitorshall boeutside the side lines. The stasrht all bbey word of mouth. During no part otfhe pull shall the foot of any competitor go beyond the centre line. The pull shall bweon when one team shall havpeulled the side tape othfe opposing side over theiorwn side linNe.o competitor shall wear boots or shoes with any projecting nails, sprigs, or points of any kind.No competitor shall make any hole in the ground with his feet, oirn any othewr ay before the start. No competitor shall wilfully touch the ground with any part of his person but his foot. If the competition is for teams limited in weight, each competitor shall be weighedbefore the start. The final heat shablle wonby two pullsout of three. o 2