Athletics and Football (extract)
222 ATHLETICS had a career of even success. Althoughit proceeded cautiously at first, as there wasa good deal of oppositionto be met, it has of recent years assumed a wholesome arbitrary power over all athletic meetings held in England ; and it insists that the main provisions which are necessaryfor the maintenance of fair play and genuine amateurismshall be respected. The body occupies in fact the same positionas the Jockey Club in the sport of flat racing on the turf, insistingthat all meetingsshall be held under its laws, proclaiming meetings at which such laws are not followed,and punishingathletes for any unfair practice in con nection with athletics. Rule XVIII. of its present code pro vides for the suspension of any athlete who wilfully competes at a meeting held by any club or managing bodywhich is not either, (i) affiliated to the Association,or (2) registered as an 'approved' club after application to the local officer of the Association,and both the affiliatedand the registered clubs are bound to advertise their sports as being held ' under A.A.A. laws.' Such advertisement does not necessitatethe adoption of the ' competition rules' given before, whichare merely recom mended, although as a matter of fact they are nowalmost uni versallyadopted; nor, as we have seen above, is the club giving sports 4 under A.A.A. laws' obliged to accept any entry of which it may for its own reasons disapprove. The only compulsory lawsof the A.A.A. which must be observed at every meeting are the following,and it will be admitted that they are not such as to interfere unduly with the freedom of any club which is desirous of givingsports : 1. Allcompetitions must be limited to amateurs. ' An amateuris one who has never competed fora money prizeor staked bet,or with or againsta professionalfor any prize,or whohas nevertaught,pursued,or assisted in the practiceofathletic exercisesas a meansofobtaininga livelihood.' 2. Noperson must be allowed to compete while undera sen tenceof suspension passed byeither the A.A.A., NationalCyclists' Union,Swimming Association of Great Britain,Scottish A.A.A., or IrishA.A.A.
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