Athletics and Football (extract)
228 ATHLETICS of amateurathletics, a few words may bseaid atso someof the leading athletic clubs. We have already pointed out that in some respecthtse runnehras an advantage over the oa smaonr the cricketer in being i dep dent of his fellow sa, choose any time ftorraining whmicahy suiht im, antdhat cinompeti tions he wins or loses upon his own individual merit. This independence of the athlete, however (employing the term to include the walker, runner, hurdler, saondforth), is rather a serious drawback to the success of athletic clubs. Rowing, cricket, footbcaylcl,ling, tennis, and gymnastics, are pastimes as welal s competitionsa,nd the members of clubs devoteod pastimes have plenty of reason to bring thetmogether othaetr times thtahne days of competiAtionc.lub devoted to athletics alone had, until paper-chasing came into vogue, little social attraction, as compared with other clubs. The popularity of paper-chasing during the last fewyears has caused a largenum ber ocflubs stporing uthproughout the countryw,hich exist to promotepaper-chasing and cross-country racing duritnhge winter, although they hold athletic meetdinugrsing the summer season. However, with paper-chasing clubs it is notour busi ness to deal in the present chapter, although it is worth mentioning that qui e foaurth part othf e clubasffiliated to the A.A.A. Haraerriers or Hare and Hounds clubs. But if the paper-chasing clubs are put out otfhe questionit, may almost be said that there are no clubs in the true sense of theword which exist purely and solely for the cultivation of running, jumping, and throwing of weights, with thexception of those which are fortunate in possessing running grounds with a cinder-track of their own.Of these tnhuember is very limited, but their woirnk collecting, promoting, and forming athletic talent is wide and far-reaching. Ever since the time when athletics became p rt of the regular University life, the Oxford and Cambridge University Athletic Clubs have brought out and brought together all the men with athleticapabilities in their different colleges. The management of the two clubs, and thseystem pursued for the cultivation of athletic skill at
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