Athletics and Football (extract)

0 0 C!.1n. 'L c .:.1 .::> _j APPEJ\'DIX 49· In all Matches two Umpires shall be appointed and a Referee, the latter offi cial must be chosen with the consent of eith er t~ respec tive Secretaries or Captains of the contending Clubs or bqdies. If the Captain of either side challenge the construction placed upon any rule, he shall have the right of appeal to the Rugby .I..ij1ion Committee. so. N either Half-Time nor No-Side shall be called until the b a ll is fa irly held or goes out of play, and in the case of 3. try or a fa ir catch, the kick at goal only shall be allowed. LIST OF BEST PERFORMANCES ON RECORD, AUGUST r, 1887. Distance Yards I OO Vl I20] { ~ ISO 200 2 20 300 440 6oo 88o M iles I I ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO IS 20 2S 30 40 so Name A. Wharton W. P. Phill ip5 C. N. J ackson S . P a lmer C.F. Daft C. G . Wood . J. !::> hcarma n . C. G. W ood. L. E. l\1 )· ~rs . . H. C. L. Tindall . L. K l\ l yers. W. G. George W. C. Geo rge RUNNI G. Time h. m. s . 1 0 II~- I 6 I4! 20* 2 1 ~ 31~ 48~ I 14 ~ x s6 2 x6t 4 x8l 6 5 7 ~ 9 I7 ~ I4 39 1 9 39~ 25 7} 30 2I } 35 37 4 0 5 7 ~ 46 I2 SI 20 I 24 24 1 s8 44 ~ Pbce Stamford Bridge { C~)\': l ey Gr.ound, Ox ford . Ldl1e Br.dge . . . Stamford Bridge . . Lilli~ Bri dg;; . S tamfo rd Bridge Lilli~ Bridg;; . S ta Bridge " " . As to n, B irmingham . ,, 't S tamford Bndge J. A. Squ i ~es . G. A. D unning J. E. Di xon . ~ i~ j~~ S. L.'rr. G ro~'nds, Ba tham: 4 so 12 1 ~ tam ford. 1 ridge . . --"--6-I_8 _2_6_} _1S_.L.~. Grounds, Ba lham. D a te July 3, 1886 M a rch 2s , 1882 N ov. 14, x86s April IS, I 878 July 3, 1886 July 21, 1887 June 2 , 1877 June 25 . 1887 Jul y 21, I 887 June 6, I 88s Apnl IO, I 886 Jul y 2, x88 I Augus t s , 1882 ]1ine 21, I 884 July 29 , I 882 April 26, 1884 Ma y I 7, 1884 July'28, x 1 B84 Aprii 7, x8's4 ] an:' I 1 18'81 " , D ec. 26, 1881 M ay 2, x88s D ec. 26, I879 April n, 188s