Athletics of To-Day for Women

Second International Ladies' Games, 1926 75 Long Jump and a failure to equal world's record in the tanding L ng Jun1p by only h lf an inch. ~rom first to last the sun had shon upon the econd Inter– national Ladi s' Games, and the conduct of the meeting, and, incid ntally, the ompetitors them elv , had b n no 1 ss satisfactory than that of the weather. here were no accid nts and no t( regr ttable incid nt ," and the ompetitors from oth r land ( icture 24) took horn with th m happy r oll c– tion of othenburg, wh r they 1 ft a m mory which at all times will en ur for th m a h arty w lcome, should they r vi it the scenes of their triumphs and defeat in 1926. The ames clo ~ d on the ev ning of August 2 with a f sti al h ld in th r staurant of th Horticultural Gard ns. Th re wer pr s nt the whol of th officials and competitors, the del gat to th f urth F .. ~.I. ongres , the Committee of the Int rnation 1 ~ d ration, Mr. . J. ~. lm vist, a abinet Minister and hi f of i.h E 1 iastical and 'ducational tate De– partm nt, th Japan s Minister, and rious oth r dignitaries. Th full d t il f the econd International Ladi s' ames :\1E ' I ... 6.