Athletics of To-Day for Women
The Fourth Women's Inter-Club hampionships were held at tamford Bridge on June 23, wh n th London Olyrnpiade scored th ir fourth cons cutive victory. coring was as follows: L.O.A.C., 51 ; Middle ex Ladies A.C., r6; Mitcham A .C., 13 ; Manor Park, 12 ; Polyt chnic Ladies and Luton United Harriers, 4 points each. It was to be in many respects a year of newcomer , to r place the great chmnpions of our fir t g neration of women athl tes. At roo yards Mis Thomp on was defeat d in rr~ ecs. by Mi Lewi , while Mi Trick y at last had to lower her flag to a Luton girl, Mi I. arber ( een in Pictur 44). Mi E. V. otter beat Thompson, Haynes, and Lewis at a ~ urlong, and equall d the world's record of 25~ ecs., but Mi s Haynes proved that sh was not altogether done with by quailing the British 440 yards record of 6r~ sec ., while anoth r ((veteran," Hilda Hatt, set up a new Briti h roo yards Hurdles record of 14:. sec . he won also the High Jump at 5 It., and Mi s unn the Long Jump at r ft. The e two latt r performances w r , how v r, clipsed by th doing of tw over ea girls, Mi Clark, outh Africa (Pictur r , 41, 43, and rgo), and Kinuy Hitomi, Japan, who in . hibition jump clear d r sp ctively 5 ft. 3 in . high and r ft. 4 in . long, both b tt r th n the xi ting w rid's r cord . It wa cl ar th t th re wer going to be om startling happ ning in the W.A.A. . hampion hips, to b h ld at tamford ridg on July 14. ''Ladies' Day" that y ar provid f st of port which lov rs of athletic will long r m mb r. n ft rn on f gl ri us sun hin , nd a brilliant corn any, whi h includ Bis E .. ·c 11 ncy th Japan mba ador, th High rnis i n r for w Z land, th uk of uth rland, th rl and ount s of Lonsd le, ir Jam s and L dy Heath, and many th r famou p opl , to ay nothing of mo t of th rnemb rs of the Austr lian, w Z aland, Japanes , and outh African Olyn1 ic te m , were among th many factors which purr d the girl athl te on t r c rd breaking p rformances. If kissing goes by favour, then I think that, in cert in events, success must surely b rul d by sun hine climat , for
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