Athletics of To-Day for Women

88 Athletics of To-day for Women the Farad of ations, and which had been subscrib d for by the British girls. On August I4 an int rn tional match wash ld at tamford Bridge, betw n th Engli h girl athlete and tho e who had performed with distinction at Amsterdam as the representa– tives of Germany, Franc , Belgium, Japan, and the Briti h Dominions over ea . Th international match itself was b tween the riti h Empir , rmany, and Franc . Th Empire won with so point , from ermany, 4I points, and France, IS point . The British girls led ofi with th fir t half-dozen point through Miss Ridgley equalling Brili h r cord in the IOO yar s, which she won from ri:iulein chmidt, Mile. adid au, and Mis unn ( icture 42). he complet d a us ful doubl event by \ inning th 200 metres in 2sg s cs., only a fifth of a s cond out ide world's r cord ( ictur 4S). At oo m tr s Miss arber snatch d victory in the la t f w strid from Mi tyl nd Mll . 1 v u, who had m d the pac thr ugh ut ( ictur 44). In the High Jump Marjorie Clark at 4 It. II ins. ( ictur Igo) def at d diul in Von redow by an inch, and in th invitation Hurdl th outh Afric n girl qu 11 h r own world's record (Picture 43). Th rman girl w r in a la by th m Ives in the throv ing v nt , ~ raul in H ublin ( i tur I et eq.) m king riti h r c rd \ ith th hot, 3 ft. 5~ in ., and i cu , II7 ft. 5~ in ., and iraul in H rgu (Pictur II6), with thr w f II ft. II~ in ., br aking Hitomi's r c nt "all- om r " riti h J a lin r cord of II ft. Mi atherwood, wh hol s th anadi n r cor of riB ft. ins., wa cond. In th Long Jump Mi unn d f at d th ~r n h nd rm n eh mpion ( ictur I76). he int rnational match r suits w r s follows: I YARDS.-I, idgl y ( . '.) · ~, adid UU .) ; 4, Gunn (B.E.). uf cs., 200 METRES.-!, Ridgl y (B.E.) · ~, 4, G rhardt (Gr. ). 2 5 i cs. 8o METR s.-r, arb ·r (B.E.); -· . t}l ( . , .) ; 3, .~.r ·\' u (F.); 4, \V bb r ( r.). 2 rnin . z8i secs.