Athletics of To-Day for Women
90 Athletics of To-day for Women i\Idrcs. Time By Nation. or Distance. mins. secs. { 2 9., ~rench Team !<ranee IOX roo Relay 2 & ·~ Lon. Olympiadc Gt. Britain b 3x8oo clay s 4 S. C. Charloti.b. G nnany 8o Hurdles I~~ z.-SloYC'ka H. ins. Runn.ingii'hJump 5 ai.hcrwood Canada L ng Jump I9 7i Ilit mi Japan Sh t ( kg .) 38 I I iu Hcublin Germany c:hot (2 hands) 67 2: Jungkunz G rmany Javelin (I hand) ... 125 I I ~ Hargus Germany iscus 129 I I ~ Konopacka I' land iscus (2 han ls) :n8 ~! Konopacka P land --- In anada the following startling performances were achieved, some constituting world's records which did not at once go on the books : YARDS HuRDLES, 8} secs., F. ell; I o l\IETRES 'LAT 12 secs., ook; 8 METRES, ~ mins. 21 ~ CS., J. Thomp on; 4 METRES ELAY, 5 ~ s s., T ronto anadian Ladi s ; IIrGJI Ju rr, 5 it. 3 ins., E. ai.herw d; J avELIN I 1 ft. 8 ins., E. ath rw od; Lo G J MP_. I8 ft. 3 ins., F. Roscnfcld ; r s, 120ft.. I in., F. osenfcld. An1erican records were made as under : 50 YARDS, 6 secs., I . R. 1 arls ; 60 YARDS, 7: CS., li. Filk y ;· I 0 METRES, 12 secs., E. Robins n; 220 YARDS, 27t S CS., E. hurl· ;, 3 METRES, 43t CC ., R. V\'il I1 ; 880 YARDS, 2 mins. 35! secs., L. Godb ld ; I,O METRES, 3 roins. 28 :~ secs., L. Godb ld ; 6 YARDS JluRDLES, 8 s c.., II. Fllkey ; Lo G Jui-rP, 17 ft. r r ins., . Todd ;. DISC S I I 5 ft. ~ins. L. op land. At the German Champion hips, teinberg, won the roo m tr s in rz ~ secs., Radl·c ( icturc 4) the oo metre in 2 mins. 25~- CS., an th I 6 Munch n lub the 4X IOO m tr s R 1 y in 49 1 7 0- sec . In th field cv nt thcr wer a nun1b r of surpri es. Notte, who was unplac d amonn- the first ten ennan women in r927, took the High Jump at 5 ft., Von redow r tain d h r Long Jump title at I7 ft. 4~ in ., and II ublin her hot utting 1 ur ls at 30 ft. 3 ins., bnt she was defeated in the Discus at rr7 ft. ~ ins. by Moll nhaucr. t "" I 1
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