Athletics of To-Day for Women

-~------------ ·- ---- -~-- 92 Athletics of To-day for Women events victor in the Shot, 34 ft. 5 ins. ; Discus, 96ft. 8l ins. ; and Javelin, 95 ft. 8 ins. Mis Stone scored a double on the track, winning the Quarter Mile in 6rg secs., and the Half Mile in z mins. 35~ secs. The jumping was very good, Miss O'Kell taking the High Jump at 4 ft. rr ins., and Mrs. Cornell the Long Jump at 17 ft. rrt ins. The English Championships were held at Stamford Bridge on July 13, and Ladies' Day proved that British women had at long last lived down popular pr judice against their active participation in athletics, for a large crowd was very enthu– siastic about the doings of the 400 girls, who were the repre– sentatives of three-and-twenty clubs from all over the country. World's record was broken at 440 yards, and new British records w re set up in the 8o metr s Hurdles, hot Put, Mile Walk, and Long Jump, the roo yards r cord was quall din a heat, and the Manor Park ladies' team only just failed to equal world's record for the 66o yards Relay distanc . One out– standing feature of the meeting was the greatly improved all-round standard of the Middlesex Ladi s A.C., who, for the first time in the English history of women's athl tics, out– shone the London Olyn1piades. M.L.A.C. repr sentativ s, in fact, won six of the tw lve championship titl s, and gained two second and three third plac . The meeting opened with the hot Put, and Mi Weston, returning 52 ft. Si in ., beat Flor ne ircl nough by nearly seven feet and her own previous Briti h record by ju t on half a foot. Then little Miss King, of K nt, a 24-y ars-old di covery, won her heat of the Quarter Mile v ry asily in th new world' record time of 6o! secs., a fifth o£ a second fast r tim than h d been returned for the former record by the riti h girl , Mi Edwards and Miss Haynes. That Mi s ing hould .find herself up against a real cont nd r for the champion hip title in the final came as something of a surprise. That final was just one long, breathless thrill, for Miss tone, of Mitcham, fought Miss King every stride of the race. This pair qui kly show d 1 ar of tl e oth r finalist s, but th Kentish girl had