Athletics of To-Day for Women
~---- -- 93 the harder cour e for sh could nev r find enough command to secure the inside berth. Thus they rounded the last bend and came to the top of the home stretch absolutely together. The crowd w re on their feet by this tim , and the time– keep rs looking anxiously at their watches. A stride from the winning-post and still th re was nothing in it. Then Miss Ying fairly hurled h rself at the tape (Picture 7), to win in 59 1 cs., both girls actually beating even time and the hour-old world's record. 1ale athlete , including many old-timers whose nam are still household words, looked at one anoth r in wonder. A w man, nay, two women, had b aten ev n tim for the quart r-mile distance ! And ther by, as one e.·-champion w s h ard to remark, th y had achieved what was hith rto b liev d to be impossible. Miss King, very properly, was awarded Lord Hawke's Cup for the best p rformance of the meeting. In the Mile \Valk som real heel-and-to ci nee was wit– nessed. Miss Howes, tall, one-and-twenty, and in her third racing season, took the riti h record to min . I ecs., her intermediat times b ing- J mile, I min. 54~ e s. ; t mil , 4 mins. 4 s cs. ; and ~ mil , 6 min . 14 sec . ; b t h was pressed by Mi s H rwo d, daught r of a famous !grave Harrier, until she piled on the pace a furlong fr m the finish. The final of the o metres Hurdl pro uc thrilling finish, for a foot w uld ha tt, Mr . ornell, and iiss Tiffin, wh nth first-name w n in 12~ se ., which was rr neou ly announce as a worll's r c r , Mi s ychrova, z cho- lo akia, having o r th di tance a year earli r in 12 0 • at r gu . fi I. K. \Valk r ( n in ictur 4 and number d I ), ambri g Harri rs, di , how v r, in her h at f the roo yards su c ed in quailing the ritish record f II 2 noth r pie rac t tamfor ridg wa pr vi e by the final f th 6 o y rd H. lay hampion hip. Th di tance is di id d into 22 yards, II n rds, 2 2 y r s, and II y rds. :\. Th mp n g M nor I ark a u ful 1 d at th nd of th initi~ l furlong, but at th thir hang
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