Athletics of To-Day for Women
The Fight for Inclusion in the Olympiads 103 v nts, all to take place upon ne day, but that the final decision would r st with the ongr s of his ~ deration. ~allowing upon thi m eting the Technical Commission met on August 5 and established the following complete programme of events for women at future Olympic ames: roo, 200, and Boo metres Flat, Hurdl , 400 metres lay, the two Jumps, and the thr e Throws. In the ev nt of the abov programme not being accepted in its entirety the mnmis ion desir that it should be consid r by the I.A. . ~. in the following order : roo metres, 400 metr s, High Jump, Discu , Javelin, Boo metre , Long Jump, Hurdles, hot ut, 200 metres. The programm , as submitted by the omm1sswn, was accepted by the International ommittee of the F ..F.I., which met the same day, and was duly submitt d by Mme. Milliat to the Ninth ongres of the I.A.A. . when that body m t in Amsterdam on Monday, August 6, rg2B. On that day no more than a formal r port was mad , th full di cussion b ing res r d for the s s ion of ongr :,S on ugust 7. Immediat ly th m ting op n d the re ident, Mr. dstrom, r ea itulat d past happ nings and stated that, in view of xp ri n e g in d at th inth lympiad, the Council r comm nd d that fi or six 1 dies' v nts should be kept on the programm . ~Ir. H rry arclay stat d that r at Britain wa not in favour of worn n rticipating in th ames, but thought that hi countrywomen would b pr p r d to take part, provid d a full programm \ granted and'- committ. omp s ntir ly f ladi s was all w d t pr p r th 1 di ' e nts. This wa m d rat view and beau, geste upon th part of r at ritain. Th n am r n w d thund r of d nunci tion frmn Mr. ikh la, f 'inland. He said that his country w s totally oppos d to th tr ck and field ev nts f r women. H thought that th wh 1 1nov m nt was no mor than a mode of th mom nt and b liev d th t athletic sport did not uit women. The worn n's v nts th t ha just been contested in th course of the Ninth Olympi d h d, how ver, won for the cause many staunch adher nt , and even those who had H
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