Athletics of To-Day for Women

The Amsterdam Olympiad, 1928 I I r In the first heat Fanny Rosenf Id, the Canadian sprinter, who had finLhed second in the roo metres, demon trated h r versatility by finishing third to M. ollinger, crm ny, who was lat r to sue ed Lina H.adk as her country's gr ate t middle distance runner, and Inga entzcl, weden, who ha run such a great r,ooo metr s race against Mi .;, Trickey, Great ritain, at Goth nburg two years earlier. The erman girl won comfortably, and her time was 2 1nin . 22 3 secs. The next heat (Picture 5r) brought tog ther L. Radl· , K. IIitomi, and the Polish r cor holder, . Kilosowana. The e three soon out listanced ih ir field and fini h cl in the orcl r gi en, quite content to qualify in 2 mins. 26 cc.. The thir heat produced a good race betwe n J. Thompson, (. nad<, F. Me onald, U. . ., an E. \Vew rs, ermany, whil a 1 rge field kept th m going, for th Canadian to pass the post in 2 mins. 23 ~ sec . No undue distr ss had b en witn s ed in the p ·eliminc. rie , but we had en some wond rfully trong runnino- an me first- la s track tactic , n with th bunch of girl , who had come through for the fmal at 3. p.m. on ugust 2, th r wa n t much doubt that a n w w rid's recor wa just about due. Th finali ts were M. oiling r, . Radl· , and E. \Vcw r cnnany; F. Ro nf 1 and J. homp on, a1ad(. ; Inga ntzel, w n · I . Hit mi, J pan; G. Yil w~tn 1., oland ; and ~ . Me nald, U. .A. ermany had a hug a vant o-e with three competin,. i 1 the final, and th r w.. no d ubt frmn th si rt that the erman girl int n l d runnit g , < t , m. l irst \V wer::> , n ih n lling r ta kl cl th 1 ad r , and whil on w, 1 y on thi ta k the ihcr \ uld b nur in,. Parlk stride f r stride. It really wa a fir t- las .·hibition of racino- t(. ctics. The anadians, I fancy, nev r r lly n1 de up th ir n1in as to which of th m ught to act a pace-m k r to the ther. ntz 1 and Iitomi, f ourse, ha n on io n 1rs th m. r, mad x 11 nt u f th P< -n1akin f th hun lr cl '~tr 1 fr m horn