Athletics of To-Day for Women
The Amsterdam Olympiad, 1928 113 am nd for the mi take sh had made in the individual roo metres, and although etty Robin on came with a great ru h in the la t fifty yards, he fail d to catch the flying Canadian or even to d crea e her lead. The time wa announced a 4 g ec . , and the Canadian girls (seen in Picture 53) had brok n their own day-old world's record and taken no 1 s than I g ec . ff the record which had stood prior to th inth Olympiad. At th ame time a the lay fmal wa b ing run, the liminating trial of the \ men' High Jump were tal ing plac . f th 23 girl taking p rl quit a number had cleared, r dos ly approached, th worn n's cla sical5 ft. height, and all those who hould succeed in beating, approxi1nately, 4ft. 7 in . that aft rnoon wer to om te in th final. The official am s, th r fore, the ord r of
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