Athletics of To-Day for Women
116 Athletics of To-day for Women It i well recognised in modern athletic practice that the hurdler should take a set number of strides up to the first flight, and, thereafter, stick to three, or five, strides between fences. In this connection the new school of thought is developing a theory that the short prints would al o be cov red in better times if an exact number of stride to fit the di tance could b produ ed with mechanical regularity. \Vhile the th ori ts have b n groping after thi new truth, it is pro a 1 that the athl -t th m Ives have a tually produ d som thing f th rt in pr cti e. Personal observa– tion , and th study of a gr at numb r of photograph , how that gr at printer nearly alway finish the la t tride off the ame foot. Marguerite Radideau and o e Thomp on finished off the right foot, and Mi s Haynes and Mejzlikova II off the I ft, but in ach case of a r cord b ing achi d th final effort am fr m the foot ppo ite to that from which the fmal tride wa u ually mad . Thi can mean only on thing: that a tride mor or a "trid 1 was taken. If it\ a on I s , th n it must hav b n a long r strid , in which cas time would be wa ted in the air. It i obviou , therefor , that the total numb r of stride was in r d by ne or thre , and that the additional strid , r trid , would b quick r and horter than normal. Th diff ren e that can b made in the re ult of a race by the addition of v n on short, qui k stride i e t stimated by a con id ration of timing. hi giv a much clearer appr ciation f th ituation n w th t t nth of a econd have b 1 t f r th ffi ial n tati rd d, and '" t. h r rding hundr t.h I a t u tak , for .·am 1 , th Internati nal Ladi s' Mll.
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