Athletics of To-Day for Women

Running-The Sprint Distances I I 7 would have been rrg, 12, I2~- , r2g-, 12~, 12~, and 13 ec . n that showing Radid au would have appeared to be two yards better than Thompson. ut watch s plit to hundredth of a second would probably have returned the winner at rr/ 0 °o- and the runner-up at rr 1 1 1 , which represents a difference of no more than 3~ ins. between the first two, which i ju t about all there was in it, according to my observation at the time. ut it do prov that th on additional short tride wa ju t suffi ient to allow Marguerite Radid au to win the rac . Th r are a few oth r points of g neral con ideration to be dealt with before we can discuss the technique of sprinting. In the fir t place a brilliant tarter, like Ro e Thompson, always holds a d cided advantage in a short sprint race; she is, moreov r, tremendou ly speedy. nd yet Radideau beat her in one of the fastest and clo t finishes ever seen on a cinder path. Th diff rence beh en them wa the same difference which xi t , but in a much gr at r degree, between the rr! ecs. world' r cord holder and the rz secs. girl, and it i t b f und in th uperiority f th former ov r th latter after full sp cd ha b en attain d. o girl sprint r build up her maximum sp d until h has tra ell d forty yard . he fact that Margu rit adid u (Pictur 14) compl t d a splendi ~~ doubl " t oth nburg by \ inning both th roo and th m tr (Pi tur 27 to 30), but wa b aten by Edwards an aim r, I r t ritain, at -5 metres, ugg t that th ' r nch champion r ched an xtraordinary spee at full power, but was not able to maintain it much beyond th oo m tres di tance. ne thing which ery sprint r ;:)hould r m mber i that methods of br athing, of which o much ha been written from time to tim , hav not nearly so much infiucnc upon speed as str ngth and trid . \Ve may now analy e th art [ printing in its ri us rts. ~ TARTIN Th start m y b divid int tv p rt - (r) ~~ l\1 rl ," th po iti01 of r st hown in ic t ~a-. .. ~ n th 5 , 5