Athletics of To-Day for Women
Running-The Sprint Distances 129 out a final tw nty yards at. just und r to1 sp ed. As you become n1ore pr fi ient in doing this, incr ase th di Lane , o er which you hold the fir t br ath, up t sixty yards, drop to quart r mil pace and br ath easily for twenty yards, and then work up to a final thirty yards burst on the last breath. This vvill give you a reserve for the times when you have to run roo metres in tead of roo yard . The advantage of running as far as pos ible on one br ath is that th running muscles ar given the full support of the fixed thorax. n you hav got your final br ath you have still tw nty or thirty yard to run. To get th be t out of your lf ov r this last. str t h of the course you mu t get right up off the balls of the £ et on to the tip of the t e and pitch the body forwar to the fini hing angle of 0 • (A.E. 1 ig. 2.) Th r i one other style of fini hing which is w 11 known to m n, and whi h ha se n M, rguerite adid au use with great ff et u on arions oc a ions. This i the rop finish invent d by Mussabini. Thi tyle i shown in ictur 71. If it is u d ar rnust b tak n that the whol ody goes forward and down\ ard to the t pc. 111, ny runners who try thi fmi h nullify th ir ffort by 1 tting th hip corn a k a th body dips, and s nly uc d in dr pping th eh t f n ar 1 a. th y 1ull th wh 1 u p r part f th body b ck. 'lh r i , al , th jun1p •ini h, h wn by Hit mi in Pi t.ur 7-· 'Ihi n1ay b 1 d n1n d with t he it tion. Any forwar b dy m m nt to ring th br st first to th ta must be mad nit automatically a ou 1 f strid s fr 1n th fmish. TR INING
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