Athletics of To-Day for Women
ATHLETICS OF TO-DAY FOR WOMEN PART ONE-History and Development HAT R E TnE 1EN' ATHLETICS THERE is a c rtain na!v dir toddart's book, ~~ Th Glory That W reece," that hould appeal to all fair– minded sportsm n. Th re i , mor ov r, that about his state– m nt of th original ain1s and bj cts of the ancient Gr eks Which n1ust go far to convinc th oppon nts of the now world– Wid athl tic mov ment that th r is nothing ither wrong or harmful in th participation of "V omen in uch events as running, thrO\ ing, jumping and hurdling. 11 The partan z 01nen were early taught in r·unning and 7 're fling, and in the throwing of the J·avelin and discus, that when the time came they might bear noble sons and bear them bravely." That i what toddart, the reek historian, has to say about th g ne i of \i om n's sport ; but hi dictum must b con– ider d in conjunction with th words f that oft-quot d mo rn authority, r. L onard ill. His pronouncem nt wa : 11 M n an w m n ar volv d tog th r from the sam par nt tock . . . . what i good for on is good for the other . . . . ut we mu t not Iorg t th w ak ning fleet of civilisation on \ oman, of they ars and d cade of tight-lacing and restrictions, and w mu t rdingly b gin by taking things very asily." 1hat girl both an nd will parti ipate in sport i now a r en fa t, but th robl m r m ins of organising their I
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