Athletics of To-Day for Women
r36 Athletics of To-day for Women this plan is followed there should be a violent expulsion of th br ath, timed to synchronis with the downward swing of the arm. The tnethod of running either of th se distances depends mainly upon the individual cone rned. A girl who is really fast will cut out the pace in true sprinter's style for fifty or sixty yards, stride easily, but without any apparent loss of speed, through the next rso yard of a furlong r c , and then revert to true sprinting action for the balance of the race. A strong sprinter not sow 11 ndowed with sp ed must make an ev n pace race of the distanc fron1 b ginning to nd, and trust to being able to find just the little xtra pow r for th final dash in the excitem nt of the conte t. It has be n found that even the finest men runn rs begin to lose speed after sixty yards, and it i possible, th refor , that it may be bett r delib rately to r tard one's speed on reaching the maximum for the sake of producing ab tt r average of effort. Excellent mid-race fonn at the longer sprint distances is seen in Picture 73 of Fraul in \Vittlnann, and icture 74 of Miss dwards. ote pecially in Pictur 73 that th body is not pitched so far forward as in th roo yard rac , ob rv the grounding of the 1 ft foot, dir tly und r the body, on the ball of the foot, and the way in whi h the arms ar c ntributing to the whol effort. Although th body i fairly upright, note that the balance is fonvard of th point of quilibrium, so that the runn r must trav 1 fa t to atch up h r wn ntre of gr vity. This illustration has been 1 et d b c us it h w th b ginning of a strid . In icture 7 4 Edward is s en about t compl te a strid . ote th Mus abini cros -arm action, with the 1 ft hand checl d at the hip in its backw r swing, in contrast with \Vittmann' merican sprint styl arm-action; al o th hrug of ~ dv ar 1 ' 1 ft houl r a th right arm swing acros , h r straight ahead traction, the shoot of the lower 1 g from the kn before the foot is put down, and the fact that there is no wast ful kick up of the h el of the hindermo t 1 g. Pictur s 75 and 76 show Miss Edwards in compact and well– controlled finishing form as she br asted the tape ahead of
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